Unbreakable punchbowl for Florida Evans
Unbreakable punchbowl for Florida Evans

midjourney prompt

#mscottjohnson 2023

400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32399
400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32399

midjourney 2023

Negro Talisman for Prosperity and Happiness
Negro Talisman for Prosperity and Happiness
Portrait of a Cotton Demon  Hermitage Plantation    Davidson County, Tennessee 1822
Portrait of a Cotton Demon Hermitage Plantation Davidson County, Tennessee 1822

midjourney prompt 2022

Geechee Magic object #7 Harriet Tubman's cloak of invisibility
Geechee Magic object #7 Harriet Tubman's cloak of invisibility

midjourney prompt 2022

Tammy Faye Bakker sings The Battle Hymn of the Republic  during the Baptism of Amy Coney Barrett
Tammy Faye Bakker sings The Battle Hymn of the Republic during the Baptism of Amy Coney Barrett

midjourney and digital collage 2023

Beloved: Bust of Toni Morrison
Beloved: Bust of Toni Morrison

midjourney prompt/ digital collage 2023

Artifact: Techno Negro Fetish Origin: Whatupdoe ethnic group Location: UpSouth-East Michigan
Artifact: Techno Negro Fetish Origin: Whatupdoe ethnic group Location: UpSouth-East Michigan

midjourney 2023

Ritual: Moms for Liberty
Ritual: Moms for Liberty

midjourney 2023

Canopic Jar
Canopic Jar

midjourney prompt 2022

Carolyn Bryant descends to the 8th circle of Hell and is confronted by the Malebranche
Carolyn Bryant descends to the 8th circle of Hell and is confronted by the Malebranche

digital collage/midjourney


midjourney prompt 2023

Portrait of High John the Conqueror shapeshifting into the Great Crow
Portrait of High John the Conqueror shapeshifting into the Great Crow

midjourney prompt 2022

Everything you done to me, already done to you.
Everything you done to me, already done to you.

midjourney prompt 2023

Joyful Warriors: Moms for Liberty exalt the abomination
Joyful Warriors: Moms for Liberty exalt the abomination

midjourney prompt 2023

Portrait of Governor Ron DeSantis: Allegory of the Pufferfish
Portrait of Governor Ron DeSantis: Allegory of the Pufferfish

midjourney prompt 2023

Retrato de un GUSANO Cubano: Florida education commissioner  Manny Díaz Jr. lectures on Black History
Retrato de un GUSANO Cubano: Florida education commissioner Manny Díaz Jr. lectures on Black History

midjourney prompt 2023

After crossing Jordan, Pat Robertson is welcomed into the anus of Mephistopheles
After crossing Jordan, Pat Robertson is welcomed into the anus of Mephistopheles

midjourney/digital collage 2023

Evangelical deity Ralph Reed succumbs to the curse of Ham
Evangelical deity Ralph Reed succumbs to the curse of Ham

midjouney/prompt Juneteenth prophecy 2023

Sacred Negro weapons: Biomechanic Ofay Attitude Adjuster
Sacred Negro weapons: Biomechanic Ofay Attitude Adjuster

midjourney prompt/schematic diagram 2023

Portrait of a lesser Sugar Cane Demon Jodensavanne plantation, Suriname 1699
Portrait of a lesser Sugar Cane Demon Jodensavanne plantation, Suriname 1699

midjourney prompt 2022

Carolyn Bryant is met by Asmodeus as she prepares for the next destination in her journey
Carolyn Bryant is met by Asmodeus as she prepares for the next destination in her journey

digital collage/midjourney 2023


midjourney 2023


midjourney 2023

Portrait of the infamous slave catcher Martha "Patty" Cannon and her gang
Portrait of the infamous slave catcher Martha "Patty" Cannon and her gang

digital collage/midjourney 2023


midjourney 2023

A Brahmin Fantasy : Vivek Ramaswamy drinking White Jesus semen
A Brahmin Fantasy : Vivek Ramaswamy drinking White Jesus semen

midjourney 2023

Akata Shrine for High John de Conqueror  Southampton County, Virginia 1813
Akata Shrine for High John de Conqueror Southampton County, Virginia 1813

midjourney 2023

Cranial gestation of MAGA parasite
Cranial gestation of MAGA parasite

midjourney prompt 2022

Visions at Ground Zero: a house built on sand
Visions at Ground Zero: a house built on sand

Digital collage/ midjourney and original artifacts 2023

 Br'er Rabbit prepares to assault Mt. Olympus    midjourney prompt 2022

Br'er Rabbit prepares to assault Mt. Olympus

midjourney prompt 2022

 Chitlin Man  midjourney Prompt

Chitlin Man

midjourney Prompt

 In his wet dream, Michael Rapaport shares a stage with Al Jolson....and performs a rousing rendition of "Mammy", to the delight of Cymothoa Exigua.   midjourney prompt/digital collage 2023

In his wet dream, Michael Rapaport shares a stage with Al Jolson....and performs a rousing rendition of "Mammy", to the delight of Cymothoa Exigua.

midjourney prompt/digital collage 2023

 White phosphorus in the holy lands  midjourney prompt  2023

White phosphorus in the holy lands

midjourney prompt 2023

 Gods Chosen People   midjourney prompt  2023

Gods Chosen People

midjourney prompt 2023

Reincarnation Station
Reincarnation Station

Midjourney prompt 2024

Unbreakable punchbowl for Florida Evans
400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32399
Negro Talisman for Prosperity and Happiness
Portrait of a Cotton Demon  Hermitage Plantation    Davidson County, Tennessee 1822
Geechee Magic object #7 Harriet Tubman's cloak of invisibility
Tammy Faye Bakker sings The Battle Hymn of the Republic  during the Baptism of Amy Coney Barrett
Beloved: Bust of Toni Morrison
Artifact: Techno Negro Fetish Origin: Whatupdoe ethnic group Location: UpSouth-East Michigan
Ritual: Moms for Liberty
Canopic Jar
Carolyn Bryant descends to the 8th circle of Hell and is confronted by the Malebranche
Portrait of High John the Conqueror shapeshifting into the Great Crow
Everything you done to me, already done to you.
Joyful Warriors: Moms for Liberty exalt the abomination
Portrait of Governor Ron DeSantis: Allegory of the Pufferfish
Retrato de un GUSANO Cubano: Florida education commissioner  Manny Díaz Jr. lectures on Black History
After crossing Jordan, Pat Robertson is welcomed into the anus of Mephistopheles
Evangelical deity Ralph Reed succumbs to the curse of Ham
Sacred Negro weapons: Biomechanic Ofay Attitude Adjuster
Portrait of a lesser Sugar Cane Demon Jodensavanne plantation, Suriname 1699
Carolyn Bryant is met by Asmodeus as she prepares for the next destination in her journey
Portrait of the infamous slave catcher Martha "Patty" Cannon and her gang
A Brahmin Fantasy : Vivek Ramaswamy drinking White Jesus semen
Akata Shrine for High John de Conqueror  Southampton County, Virginia 1813
Cranial gestation of MAGA parasite
Visions at Ground Zero: a house built on sand
 Br'er Rabbit prepares to assault Mt. Olympus    midjourney prompt 2022
 Chitlin Man  midjourney Prompt
 In his wet dream, Michael Rapaport shares a stage with Al Jolson....and performs a rousing rendition of "Mammy", to the delight of Cymothoa Exigua.   midjourney prompt/digital collage 2023
 White phosphorus in the holy lands  midjourney prompt  2023
 Gods Chosen People   midjourney prompt  2023
Reincarnation Station
Unbreakable punchbowl for Florida Evans

midjourney prompt

#mscottjohnson 2023

400 S Monroe St, Tallahassee, FL 32399

midjourney 2023

Negro Talisman for Prosperity and Happiness
Portrait of a Cotton Demon Hermitage Plantation Davidson County, Tennessee 1822

midjourney prompt 2022

Geechee Magic object #7 Harriet Tubman's cloak of invisibility

midjourney prompt 2022

Tammy Faye Bakker sings The Battle Hymn of the Republic during the Baptism of Amy Coney Barrett

midjourney and digital collage 2023

Beloved: Bust of Toni Morrison

midjourney prompt/ digital collage 2023

Artifact: Techno Negro Fetish Origin: Whatupdoe ethnic group Location: UpSouth-East Michigan

midjourney 2023

Ritual: Moms for Liberty

midjourney 2023

Canopic Jar

midjourney prompt 2022

Carolyn Bryant descends to the 8th circle of Hell and is confronted by the Malebranche

digital collage/midjourney


midjourney prompt 2023

Portrait of High John the Conqueror shapeshifting into the Great Crow

midjourney prompt 2022

Everything you done to me, already done to you.

midjourney prompt 2023

Joyful Warriors: Moms for Liberty exalt the abomination

midjourney prompt 2023

Portrait of Governor Ron DeSantis: Allegory of the Pufferfish

midjourney prompt 2023

Retrato de un GUSANO Cubano: Florida education commissioner Manny Díaz Jr. lectures on Black History

midjourney prompt 2023

After crossing Jordan, Pat Robertson is welcomed into the anus of Mephistopheles

midjourney/digital collage 2023

Evangelical deity Ralph Reed succumbs to the curse of Ham

midjouney/prompt Juneteenth prophecy 2023

Sacred Negro weapons: Biomechanic Ofay Attitude Adjuster

midjourney prompt/schematic diagram 2023

Portrait of a lesser Sugar Cane Demon Jodensavanne plantation, Suriname 1699

midjourney prompt 2022

Carolyn Bryant is met by Asmodeus as she prepares for the next destination in her journey

digital collage/midjourney 2023


midjourney 2023


midjourney 2023

Portrait of the infamous slave catcher Martha "Patty" Cannon and her gang

digital collage/midjourney 2023


midjourney 2023

A Brahmin Fantasy : Vivek Ramaswamy drinking White Jesus semen

midjourney 2023

Akata Shrine for High John de Conqueror Southampton County, Virginia 1813

midjourney 2023

Cranial gestation of MAGA parasite

midjourney prompt 2022

Visions at Ground Zero: a house built on sand

Digital collage/ midjourney and original artifacts 2023

Br'er Rabbit prepares to assault Mt. Olympus

midjourney prompt 2022

Chitlin Man

midjourney Prompt

In his wet dream, Michael Rapaport shares a stage with Al Jolson....and performs a rousing rendition of "Mammy", to the delight of Cymothoa Exigua.

midjourney prompt/digital collage 2023

White phosphorus in the holy lands

midjourney prompt 2023

Gods Chosen People

midjourney prompt 2023

Reincarnation Station

Midjourney prompt 2024

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